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  • Grow Your Home Business, Together

    Category: News & Update | Posted date: 2021-10-11 06:14:30 | Updated date: 2021-10-11 08:33:15 | Posted by: Caleb

    New HOMEBIZ owners will need a reliable partner that will support the growth of their business.

    Grow Your Home Business, Together

    For the everyday Filipino entrepreneur, the covid-19 pandemic forces everyone to change.

    It’s a hard lesson to learn, but if you do adapt, grow and innovate, it changes you for the better. From braving the daily bumper-to-bumper traffic, the jam-packed public transport, and the overcrowded public spaces—more and more Filipinos are starting to realize, and enjoy the benefits of working from home, and even starting their own businesses at home. There are less reasons to go outside—more digital apps that allow you to buy what you need in a ship or tap of their fingers, pay bills through digital currency, while safely staying in the comfort of their own homes.

    That’s why the new trend that developed during the pandemic lockdowns are businesses growing inside homes with digital store fronts—the HOME BUSINESSES.


    Most home business owners start with their passions, what they really really love to do with their time and energy. That’s why a lot of kitchens started to reach other people’s tables. Whether sweet or savory, lavish main dishes or delectable desserts, the homemade-food business gave more accessible options for Filipinos to enjoy.

    Many hobbyists who use their hands to craft artisanal leather goods, woodwork or affordable art, even jewelry became available in the digital marketplace. All they needed was a social media page and promoted their handcrafted items with their friends, family and community.

    Not to mention the plantitos and plantitas who propagated more basic and rare plants with their own green thumbs, started to share the love for green, and to plant more greeneries in their urban spaces.

    These are just a few of the slew of the passion-driven, but for the purpose-driven, Thought Leaders and experts were on a mission to provide what the world needed, and became the new teachers, sharing their wisdom and experience in masterclasses, workshops or developmental labs. Some webinars even go beyond our own cities, and can reach every part of the nation, and the rest of the world. It’s the perfect time to level-up and grow.

    But whatever your calling, and no matter how you decide to grow from this world-changing event, we all realize, we cannot survive this pandemic by ourselves alone. We need each other to make the pandemic protocols work. And that starts with empathy, cooperation and collaboration. Everybody has to win, because if someone loses, we all lose. This win-win attitude is the only way we can survive and thrive from this pandemic. And SKYBIZ is set to do just that! According to SKY Cable Corporation Enterprise Marketing Head, Patricia F. Gabriel, “The SKYBIZ Grow Together campaign is a continuation of our Jumpstart Campaign, which started in January of this year. It aimed to support companies and businesses to get back on track after slowing down or even closing their operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic”. But the bigger question according to her is, “What is next for our clients after jumpstarting them?”.

    “The SKYBIZ Grow Together Campaign is a continuity plan for our partners. We want to help them move forward and grow their business further despite the many challenges that we still face in this new normal.”, said Gabriel

    That’s why new HOMEBIZ owners will need a reliable partner that will support the growth of their business from the moment the business is planted to reaping the fruits of its harvest. And that’s made possible with a reliable internet connection from SKYBIZ, the corporate arm of SKYCABLE. SKYBIZ has a True Fiber network, access to a bigger and stronger network with 24/7 technical support. So whenever there’s a problem, there’s someone to help them through, leaving no one behind.

    Every successful BIZBROADBAND application gets a FREE install fee for speeds of up to 200Mbps until November 30, 2021, for businesses In Metro Manila, Cavite, Laguna, Bacolod, Iloilo, Dumaguete, Cebu, Davao, General Santos and Zamboanga.

    And for every successful HOMEBIZ application with plans of up to 200Mbps gets a FREE Wi-Fi mesh setup. Truly, SKYBIZ is your reliable partner guaranteed. Grow your HOMEBIZ with SKYBIZ. Grow together today.